First United Methodist Church of Springfield
Share Your Gifts, Grow The Faith
FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF SPRINGFIELD is providing outreach and resources to
people and families who are seeking a relationship with God and to other like-minded individuals and families.
We are a community church with programs for everyone.
Worship time is at 9:30 AM Sunday and is livestreamed on Facebook. Nursery care available.
480 Main St. Springfield NE
Whether you are a regular attendee of worship services, coming to your first worship service, or somewhere in-between… You are welcome here. Please join us!
Are you looking to make commitment to your Faith? Please join us this Lenten Season
Sunday services begin at 9:30am and last about 1 hour.
Our Lenten events:
Palm Sunday- Sunday April 13th 9:30am
Holy Thursday service- Thursday April 17th 7pm
Good Friday service- Friday April 18th 7pm
24 hour Prayer Vigil- 8pm Friday April 18th to 8pm Saturday April 19th, sign up for a 1-hour prayer commitment.
Easter Sunday! Sunrise Service 6:30am in the Fellowship Hall w/ breakfast to follow. Regular service at 9:30am.
Will you join us in our 2025 Bible Reading Plan?
Details of the daily reading schedule can be found on the tab, “2025 Bible Reading Plan”. It’s not too late, just start with today’s reading!
Our Prayer this week:
If you have any prayer requests please call into the office at 402-253-2270 to add to the prayer list.
"Lord, in your loving mercy, hear our prayers!!"
If you are interested in joining any of our Bible Study classes, please contact the office
( 402-253-2270 or firstunited@sprfumc.org ) for an email of leader.
Follow us on FACEBOOK