Will you commit to reading the bible with us?

For 2025 we have a daily reading plan that will take us through the New Testament twice, and all the Psalms three times in one year.

2025 Bible Reading Plan

Our beliefs are grounded in scripture, so one might think reading and studying the Bible is part of everyone’s regular routine. But truthfully many of us haven’t developed a regular routine. Perhaps we faithfully attend worship services, but our only scripture reading is then. Maybe we’ve read the Bible once and figured that box was checked way back when. Some of us previously had great habits or were part of bible studies at a different point in life but today, not so much.

Is this your next step?

Wherever you are at today in your faith, we invite you to join with us and be intentional in reading the bible. As we vision our Discipleship Pathway, it’s all about taking that next step. Please consider making this the next step of your personal faith journey.

Start whenever you start, the key is making this a daily priority once you do.

Click on the link to open a copy of the daily reading plan.