What gifts can you share? Here are some opportunities to get involved. For more info reach out to the Church Administrative Assistant at 402-253-2270 Mon-Friday mornings, and they can help direct you further.
Website Assistant: Know your way around Squarespace? Help needed updating our website and creating content.
Funeral Ushers: Help guide funeral attendee’s and assist with seating. Get on the call list to help.
Funeral Lunches: Willing to bring food or help serve? Get on the call list to help.
Designer: Have a knack for creating exciting signs? Interested in spiffing up our bulletin boards?
Sound and Video Board: Want to have the best box seats for services? Join our team of volunteers, we can train you.
Jam with the Band: Play an instrument or maybe you are a vocalist? Check out a praise band practice and see what it is about. No recurring commitment required.
Choir Voices: Come join our choir, for practice schedule Contact Choir Director Shari Spiehs.